There are a number of dyslexia treatment programs and dyslexia tutoring programs available. These programs offer different options of dyslexia help, and approaches to dyslexia training. The options may include a dyslexia tutor, dyslexia treatment software, dyslexia tutoring companies, and more. In our experience, live dyslexia tutors provide the best option for a helping a student make progress. A dyslexia tutoring or treatment sessions that involves live, one on one dyslexia training is able to provide a level of tailored dyslexia help that can be incredibly effective. With a live dyslexia tutor, a student has constant and immediate feedback regarding everything that they are working on and doing. In spelling, dyslexia tutors can help a student correct a word that is not spelled right, and at the same time, provide them with the rules that will help them with that word in the future, and others like it. This sort of feedback is available during the entire dyslexia treatment session.
Here at Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, we provide the quality of in-person tutoring with the convenience of on online format. During our dyslexia tutoring sessions, our students work with their dyslexia tutor live the entire session. In addition, they work with the same dyslexia tutor all the time, which provides a high level of consistency. If you are interested in our dyslexia tutoring program, drop us a message on one of our contact forms, and we can provide you with more information.