Dyslexia Tutoring and Phonics
A dyslexia tutor will often incorporate phonics into their dyslexia tutoring sessions. Here at Dyslexia Connect, we begin every dyslexia tutoring session with phonics flash cards. The word “phonics” refers to the sounds that letters and letter combinations make. Phonics are beneficial for anyone to know, but for a student with dyslexia, they are vital; […]
Dyslexia Tutoring and Phonics
A dyslexia tutor will often incorporate phonics into their dyslexia tutoring sessions. Here at Dyslexia Connect, we begin every dyslexia tutoring session with phonics flash cards. The word “phonics” refers to the sounds that letters and letter combinations make. Phonics are beneficial for anyone to know, but for a student with dyslexia, they are vital;