Every dyslexia tutor has witnessed the frustration brought on by dyslexia. Dealing with this frustration adds another element to dyslexia tutoring that cannot be ignored. In my own work as a dyslexia tutor, I have most often seen examples of this with dyslexic children who are bright. An intelligent child with dyslexia tends to be very aware of their own difficulties, and if they have not received dyslexia tutoring or instruction, very frustrated with these difficulties. For these bright children, reading difficulties can prevent them from fulfilling their natural curiosity and fully expressing themselves. For a bright child with a desire to learn, being locked out of an entire academic world like literature can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration.
In dyslexia tutoring, a tutor is often required to break down these barriers of frustration before they can establish a working relationship with the student. Sometimes, this frustration causes the dyslexic child to act out against those who are trying to help them. Often, the simple fact that they are in dyslexia tutoring brings back painful feelings of failure during the first few weeks. However, this doesn’t last, because some of the most dramatic turnarounds I have seen in my years as a dyslexia tutor were with students who began dyslexia tutoring in a frustrated, angry state of mind. When these children receive the help they need, they begin to gain back the confidence and self-esteem that was absent, and this results in a dramatic change in attitude.
With the right approach, frustration can be turned into happiness and success.