Here at Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, one of the things that makes our dyslexia program unique among online dyslexia programs is that all of our dyslexia tutoring is live with a dyslexia tutor one-on-one. Our talented dyslexia tutors provide live, one-on-one instruction for the entire period of the dyslexia tutoring session. This is one big reason why our dyslexia program is so effective. Among dyslexia programs, the benefits provided by this are huge, because every student of ours gets personalized instruction from their dyslexia tutor for every minute of every session. In addition, our dyslexia tutors are able to keep close track of the progress made by each of their tutoring students. As a result, they are able to easily make any needed adjustments of approach or curriculum. If you are looking at dyslexia programs, contact us to set up a free dyslexia tutoring session and see exactly how our dyslexia program works. You’ll be glad you did.