Looking for a great dyslexia program? Our fantastic dyslexia tutors can help! Every dyslexia tutor part of our dyslexia program is fully trained, fun to work with, and enthusiastic about helping dyslexics make progress and achieve their goals. Our dyslexia tutors bring excellence and confidence to every dyslexia tutoring session. No matter what level of dyslexia your child has, every dyslexia tutor who works with us is capable of helping them succeed. The reason we can be so confident of our dyslexia program among the number of available dyslexia programs is that we have seen it work so many times.
Our dyslexia program offers live, one-on-one tutoring for every 55 minute session. Your child will have their very own dyslexia tutor who will be able to keep track of their progress, and keep you updated as they advance in our dyslexia program. If you’d like more information on our dyslexia tutoring program, feel free to contact us using one of the contact forms on our site.