The variety of options available for dyslexia treatment can be confusing for parents. There are many different dyslexia treatment and dyslexia tutoring programs available, and discerning which dyslexia program is best for your child can be difficult. In our experience, a dyslexia tutoring program with a proven method and approach is the best way to help a dyslexic child progress.
A well trained dyslexia tutor is able to recognize a child’s dyslexia symptoms, as well as their educational strengths and weaknesses. The dyslexia tutor is then able to address the student’s needs in the most efficient way possible.
Our online dyslexia tutoring program at Dyslexia Connect is proven and effective. Our dyslexia tutors are fully trained and knowledgeable about dyslexia education. In addition, they have a passion for teaching! Our dyslexia tutors are in this line of work because they love it, and love helping their dyslexic students make progress. When you sign your child up for Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, you can be confident that they are getting what they need to succeed.