Many parents struggle to determine whether their child needs dyslexia tutoring; especially if they have not been officially tested for dyslexia. Fortunately, working with a dyslexia tutor is excellent for any individual with reading, spelling or comprehension difficulties. Most dyslexia tutors employ a phonics based approach with teaching that works equally well, whether or not the student is dyslexic. Here at Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, we have students from the entire spectrum of dyslexia (mild to severe), as well as some students who are not dyslexic, but are struggling and need a boost.
For parents, this makes the choice to seek out reading tutoring much easier, because they can be assured that their student will get the help they need, whether or not they are dyslexic. Good dyslexia tutors can be of great help to any student who is struggling in reading, spelling and comprehension. So, if your child is showing signs of struggling in these areas, feel free to contact us for more information about our dyslexia tutoring program.