I receive many e-mails and questions regarding our dyslexia tutoring online. The questions often revolve around how online dyslexia tutoring works, and whether it is an effective option for those who are seeking a dyslexia tutor. Many people have not had previous experience with online education, and they wonder whether our dyslexia tutoring can work for them. The answer is, “absolutely!”.
At Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, the requirements to participate in the program are very minimal. The only thing that you need to work with one of our online dyslexia tutors is a computer and an internet connection. If you have those, you are all set! There is no need to buy custom software or modify your computer in any way. If you have your computer and your internet connection, you are ready to go.
Our online dyslexia tutoring program is also very easy to use. Our dyslexia tutors work with students of all ages, from kindergartners to adults, and no special computer skills are needed to utilize our program. Our dyslexia tutoring program is so effective and user friendly because we spent years perfecting it. We have a passion for dyslexia eduction, and for helping our students achieve their goals.