Our dyslexia tutoring program is a great option for anyone searching for dyslexia programs or dyslexia tutors. Our dyslexia program features dyslexia tutors who are trained in the Orton-Gillingham method, which is the oldest and most well known dyslexia tutoring method. In our opinion, dyslexia programs based on the Orton-Gillingham method are the best choice for a dyslexia tutoring program. Every dyslexia tutor in our dyslexia program is passionate about working with dyslexic students and helping them reach their full potential. Our dyslexia tutors can help boost a child’s confidence, increase their self esteem, and provide them with the tools they need to make progress. Our dyslexia tutoring is affordable and flexible. Since our dyslexia program is online, any student can participate in our dyslexia tutoring program if they have a computer and an internet connection. We are also able to provide dyslexia tutoring at a wide variety of times. If you are looking for a dyslexia program that works, our dyslexia tutors can help. For more information on our dyslexia tutoring program, contact us, and we will send you our rates and other details.