Dyslexia programs may be able to identify dyslexia in a child, even if their dyslexia tutors are not certified to provide an official diagnosis. For an official diagnosis, a dyslexia program will often refer parents to a doctor or psychiatrist, because a dyslexia tutor may not have the certifications needed to give an actual dyslexia diagnosis. Sometimes an official diagnosis is necessary for school purposes, even if a dyslexia tutoring program does not require it. Dyslexia tutors often have good suggestions regarding individuals who do official diagnoses. If you need access to a list of individuals who can do an official diagnosis, feel free to contact us.
If an official diagnosis is not needed, an unofficial one done by dyslexia programs or a dyslexia tutor can be very useful. This sort of diagnosis can tell a parent exactly how a dyslexic child is struggling, and what a dyslexia tutor or dyslexia program can do to help them improve. Here at Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, the free session we offer to interested parents also serves as an unofficial evaluation that allows us to determine how to best help the student in our dyslexia tutoring program. We are also able to use information from this free session to provide the parents with a good idea of how their child is struggling.