Keira Knightley is outspoken about her dyslexia, and she works to spread dyslexia awareness! The actress, well-known for her roles in Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride and Prejudice, and other successful films, has done a lot of work with Made by Dyslexia. Made by Dyslexia is an organization founded by Richard Branson that promotes dyslexia awareness and understanding. What was Keira’s experience like growing up with dyslexia?
Keira was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 6, after her parents noticed how she was struggling to read in school. This wasn’t immediately apparent, because she had memorized books and “read” from memory. This is a common coping skill that many intelligent students with dyslexia develop, before they have received the type of instruction that they need to read effectively. She was interested in acting from an early age, and made a deal with her parents that they would let her get an agent, if she learned how to read! Her mother also encouraged her to learn to read by telling her that it is what famous actress Emma Thompson would do. Due to her dyslexia, Keira found it difficult to memorize lines for auditions as a child, but she persevered, and is now counted among the most successful actresses in the world.
Peter Groth
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