For parents, choosing a dyslexia tutoring program can be difficult. Often, simply finding dyslexia tutors and dyslexia tutoring programs in your area can be a challenge. Once you find them, there is the issue of choosing which one will be best suited for your child. This can be a difficult task, because a dyslexia tutor can be trained in a variety of methods.
When you sign your child up for Dyslexia Connect’s online dyslexia tutoring program, you can be confident that your child is getting top notch dyslexia tutoring. We only hire tutors who are gifted at what they do, and passionate about working with dyslexics. Our dyslexia tutors are in this line of work because they love it, and they love helping their students achieve their full potential. We have a tremendous amount of confidence in our approach, because we know it works. We have both children and adults in our program, and our tutors have seen the effectiveness of our method in helping these individuals.
In addition, our online dyslexia tutoring program is very convenient. Fitting another activity into the schedule can be a challenge, but our online tutoring program makes it easy. You don’t have to worry about driving anywhere; you can simply have your student sit at the computer when it’s time for their appointment, and they are all set to go!
If you’d like more information about our online tutoring program, click on “online tutoring”. If you have questions, or wish to sign up, contact us to learn more.