Spring is a great time to enroll your child in dyslexia tutoring. When you sign them up for our online dyslexia tutoring program, they will be getting the instruction and help that they need to improve their reading, spelling and comprehension. A dyslexia tutor can provide them with the extra boost that they need to enter summer vacation with more confidence in their skills.
At Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring, all of our dyslexia tutors are fully trained professionals with a passion for literacy and helping children and adults learn to read. When a new student enters our dyslexia tutoring program, we analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and determine how to customize the learning experience to help them make the most progress possible. Our dyslexia tutors continue to carefully monitor a student’s progress the entire time that they are in our program, helping the student get the most out of each and every online dyslexia tutoring session.
Click on “Online Dyslexia Tutoring” in the menu bar for more information!