Dyslexia Tutors and Short Vowels
Dyslexia tutors and dyslexia programs spend a lot of time working on short vowels during dyslexia tutoring sessions, because these are very difficult to memorize for individuals with dyslexia. A dyslexia tutor will often need to review these sounds with a student, and most dyslexia programs build this review in, because it is very necessary for progress. […]
Dyslexia Tutors and Short Vowels Read More »
Dyslexia tutors and dyslexia programs spend a lot of time working on short vowels during dyslexia tutoring sessions, because these are very difficult to memorize for individuals with dyslexia. A dyslexia tutor will often need to review these sounds with a student, and most dyslexia programs build this review in, because it is very necessary for progress.