dyslexia tutors

Dyslexia Tutoring and Motivation

Dyslexia tutoring provides numerous benefits for an individual with dyslexia. First of all, dyslexia tutoring can provide them with the tools they need to read, spell and comprehend better. In addition, there are many other positives that a good dyslexia tutor can impart to a student; one of these is motivation. Many individuals with dyslexia […]

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Dyslexia tutoring provides numerous benefits for an individual with dyslexia. First of all, dyslexia tutoring can provide them with the tools they need to read, spell and comprehend better. In addition, there are many other positives that a good dyslexia tutor can impart to a student; one of these is motivation. Many individuals with dyslexia

Dyslexia Tutoring and Comprehension

Dyslexia tutoring can do a tremendous amount to help a student with dyslexia improve their reading comprehension. Many dyslexia tutors include comprehension exercises as part of their curriculum, and in my own career as a dyslexia tutor, I have always included this in my sessions. Reading comprehension can be particularly challenging for a dyslexic student.

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Dyslexia tutoring can do a tremendous amount to help a student with dyslexia improve their reading comprehension. Many dyslexia tutors include comprehension exercises as part of their curriculum, and in my own career as a dyslexia tutor, I have always included this in my sessions. Reading comprehension can be particularly challenging for a dyslexic student.

Dyslexia and Homework

Dyslexia tutors often give advice to parents on how to help their dyslexic children keep up with homework. Occasionally, a dyslexia tutor will also incorporate elements of a student’s homework into their dyslexia tutoring sessions. For students with dyslexia, keeping up with homework can be a challenge. Due to dyslexia, these children often take more time to read

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Dyslexia tutors often give advice to parents on how to help their dyslexic children keep up with homework. Occasionally, a dyslexia tutor will also incorporate elements of a student’s homework into their dyslexia tutoring sessions. For students with dyslexia, keeping up with homework can be a challenge. Due to dyslexia, these children often take more time to read

Dyslexia Tutoring and Fatigue

Dyslexia tutors tend to see certain things again and again when they are tutoring. One of these things is fatigue in their students. For a child with dyslexia, reading and spelling can be very tiring. The amount of focus and concentration that is required for a dyslexic student to read and spell, particularly when they

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Dyslexia tutors tend to see certain things again and again when they are tutoring. One of these things is fatigue in their students. For a child with dyslexia, reading and spelling can be very tiring. The amount of focus and concentration that is required for a dyslexic student to read and spell, particularly when they

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