dyslexia tutors

Dealing With Frustration

Every dyslexia tutor has witnessed the frustration brought on by dyslexia. Dealing with this frustration adds another element to dyslexia tutoring that cannot be ignored.  In my own work as a dyslexia tutor, I have most often seen examples of this with dyslexic children who are bright. An intelligent child with dyslexia tends to be very […]

Dealing With Frustration Read More »

Every dyslexia tutor has witnessed the frustration brought on by dyslexia. Dealing with this frustration adds another element to dyslexia tutoring that cannot be ignored.  In my own work as a dyslexia tutor, I have most often seen examples of this with dyslexic children who are bright. An intelligent child with dyslexia tends to be very

The Problematic “S”

One of the elements that dyslexia tutors focus on with their dyslexic students is the plural form. Dyslexia can make it difficult to distinguish between a singular word and a plural word. As a result, when you listen to a dyslexic individual read, you will often hear them leaving an “s” off of plural words

The Problematic “S” Read More »

One of the elements that dyslexia tutors focus on with their dyslexic students is the plural form. Dyslexia can make it difficult to distinguish between a singular word and a plural word. As a result, when you listen to a dyslexic individual read, you will often hear them leaving an “s” off of plural words

Practicing Spelling

In addition to practicing reading, a dyslexia tutor practices spelling with a student as well. For students with dyslexia, advancement in one area of the language compliments advancements in other areas, so a successful approach to helping dyslexics learn to read better must involve reading, writing and hearing the language.  In dyslexia tutoring, spelling practice is extremely

Practicing Spelling Read More »

In addition to practicing reading, a dyslexia tutor practices spelling with a student as well. For students with dyslexia, advancement in one area of the language compliments advancements in other areas, so a successful approach to helping dyslexics learn to read better must involve reading, writing and hearing the language.  In dyslexia tutoring, spelling practice is extremely

Being Positive

For many dyslexic students who have not been treated in a dyslexia tutoring program, attempts to improve in reading and spelling can feel like one frustration after another. Dyslexia tutors often see this frustration in their students when they start dyslexia tutoring. This frustration is often compounded by the fact that dyslexic students may not receive an

Being Positive Read More »

For many dyslexic students who have not been treated in a dyslexia tutoring program, attempts to improve in reading and spelling can feel like one frustration after another. Dyslexia tutors often see this frustration in their students when they start dyslexia tutoring. This frustration is often compounded by the fact that dyslexic students may not receive an

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