dyslexia tutors

Dyslexia Tutoring Program

Our dyslexia tutoring program is a great option for anyone searching for dyslexia programs or dyslexia tutors. Our dyslexia program features dyslexia tutors who are trained in the Orton-Gillingham method, which is the oldest and most well known dyslexia tutoring method. In our opinion, dyslexia programs based on the Orton-Gillingham method are the best choice for a […]

Dyslexia Tutoring Program Read More »

Our dyslexia tutoring program is a great option for anyone searching for dyslexia programs or dyslexia tutors. Our dyslexia program features dyslexia tutors who are trained in the Orton-Gillingham method, which is the oldest and most well known dyslexia tutoring method. In our opinion, dyslexia programs based on the Orton-Gillingham method are the best choice for a

Summer Dyslexia Tutoring Benefits

Summer is a great time for dyslexia tutoring.  A dyslexia program can help a child retain what they learned during the year, and dyslexia tutors can help them make progress that will make the transition into the next school year much easier. Dyslexia programs can help them enter the next year with the confidence provided by

Summer Dyslexia Tutoring Benefits Read More »

Summer is a great time for dyslexia tutoring.  A dyslexia program can help a child retain what they learned during the year, and dyslexia tutors can help them make progress that will make the transition into the next school year much easier. Dyslexia programs can help them enter the next year with the confidence provided by

A Dyslexia Program and Personality

A dyslexia program and quality instruction from a dyslexia tutor can make a huge difference in a child’s self esteem. One of the great things about good dyslexia programs are the way in which a child’s dyslexia tutor can boost their confidence and belief that they can succeed. When many children start dyslexia tutoring, they

A Dyslexia Program and Personality Read More »

A dyslexia program and quality instruction from a dyslexia tutor can make a huge difference in a child’s self esteem. One of the great things about good dyslexia programs are the way in which a child’s dyslexia tutor can boost their confidence and belief that they can succeed. When many children start dyslexia tutoring, they

Dyslexia Tutoring and Evaluation

Regarding dyslexia tutoring, parents often ask if an official dyslexia evaluation is needed before a student starts a dyslexia program. While some dyslexia programs require this, other dyslexia programs do not. A dyslexia tutor often provides a parent with more information regarding what a dyslexia evaluation involves. For an official evaluation, dyslexia tutors will often refer

Dyslexia Tutoring and Evaluation Read More »

Regarding dyslexia tutoring, parents often ask if an official dyslexia evaluation is needed before a student starts a dyslexia program. While some dyslexia programs require this, other dyslexia programs do not. A dyslexia tutor often provides a parent with more information regarding what a dyslexia evaluation involves. For an official evaluation, dyslexia tutors will often refer

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